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Mass Course Creation

Photo by: John Liu (Flickr)

As part of the implementation of Connect, technical changes will be implemented to enable improvements in UBC data management and workflow practices associated with the LMS and associated administrative systems.

A new capability that will be implemented is streamlined access to course learning environments through Connect. On June 16, 2012, a course shell for every UBC course will be established by default. These starter shells are unavailable to students and may be activated upon request. Not all academic units will be fully transitioned to Connect by September 2012 and therefore may have alternate processes in place. Please contact your local Instructional Support team or Lynda Cooper (lynda.cooper@ubc.ca) for further information relating to your Faculty.

In addition to streamlining future access to a digital course environment for faculty members and students, this process enables the provision of a new Library Course Reserves capability (in support of copyright compliance) and strengthens UBC’s ability to support academic continuity in case of campus service disruptions (emergency or disaster situations).

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