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Want to expand your classroom, engage your students and enhance learning? Connect offers you a number of new features that you can use.

At the same time, you will find that your course can look very similar and have a similar functionality to your course in WebCT Vista.

Check out some of the features of Connect:

Video Platform Video Management Video Solutions Video Player

(Click on the images below each feature to learn more)

Intuitive Interface

More intuitive interface that is easily customizable using drag and drop capabilities

<h3>Drag and Drop</h3> You can now drag and drop items you've added in your course's content areas. <h3>Accessibility - Reordering</h3> If you are unable to use the drag and drop feature, you can still reorder items in a course's content areas by using your keyboard. <h3>Contextual Grading</h3> You can provide feedback and comments while reviewing your students' work in blogs, journals, discussions and wikis without going into the Grade Centre.<h3>Course Themes</h3> Choose from over 50 themes for each course to give them individual looks and feels.

Enhanced Communication

Enhanced communication features that expand the classroom by reaching out to students

<h2>Send Emails</h2> You can now send messages to external emails of any course participant including co-instructors, TAs and students. <h2>Course Announcements</h2> Students can now subscribe to Course Announcements and receive emails when a new announcement is created.

Efficient Grading

More efficient grading for instructors with gradable rubrics, needs grading alerts and customizable views into the new powerful grade centre

<h3>Interactive Rubrics</h3> You can easily create rubrics and associate them with any content or activity in your course plus it is easily shareable with students. <h3>Needs Grading</h3> With the Needs Grading feature, you can find out all course assignments or activities you still need to grade without going into individual sections in your course. <h3>Grade Centre Smart Views</h3> With Smart Views, you can create custom views in the Grade Centre, focusing only the information you need.

Notification Dashboard

Notification dashboards to keep both students and instructors informed of progress on assigned tasks and a customizable early warning system to identify at risk students

<h3>Notifications Dashboard</h3> Both instructors and students can customize their notification dashboards to easily learn what's been happening with all of your courses. For instructors, there is also an early warning system to help identify activities where students need more help or identify students who need more support. <h3>Granular Notifications Settings</h3> You can choose to receive notifications on any activity within your course either through the dashboard, via email or sent to your mobile phone.

Linking to External Content

Improved opportunities for linking to external content that can help expand the classroom

<h3>Mashups</h3> You can extend the classroom with real world examples by integrating multimedia from services such as YouTube and Flickr. <h3>Embed Social Tools</h3> By toggling into the HTML view when creating items in the content areas, you can embed other external content from services such as Prezi and Vimeo.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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